What Are The Benefits of Ozone Therapy?

When you think about ozone, you probably think about climate change. In fact, alternative medicine practices are probably the last thing you think about. However, ozone therapy is a popular alternative medicine practice. This article will touch on what ozone therapy is, the benefits of ozone therapy, and how Dr. Leo and the team at Today’s Integrative Health in Rockville, Maryland, can help!

What is Ozone Therapy?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what exactly ozone therapy is and how it works. As the name probably suggests, ozone therapy refers to medical practices that use ozone gas. This is a form of oxygen that is made up of three oxygen atoms. A layer of ozone gas helps protect the earth from the sun’s UV radiation in the atmosphere. 

Research has shown that this gas can have some therapeutic effects on people. It can help with a myriad of different medical concerns. 

How Does It Work

Since ozone gas irritates the airways, you must make sure you never inhale the gas. So how does one go about using gas as a medicine if they can’t inhale it? Patients going through ozone therapy can apply it to the skin, use ozonated water, blow the gas into the body, or use an ozone sauna. During an ozone sauna session, a body part is bagged and exposed to the ozone gas. 

Another application method is through the bloodstream. In our office, we mix a patient’s blood with ozone and reinject it. This process is known as autohemotherapy. 

What Are Some of the Benefits of Ozone Therapy?

Now that we know what ozone therapy is and how it works let’s get to the good stuff – the benefits. Remember, research into ozone therapy is in its infancy. While there is research that backs up some of these claims, more research is needed moving forward. Here are some of the benefits of ozone therapy:

Boost Your Immune System

Some researchers believe ozone therapy can help boost our immune system to better cope with inflammation. Inflammation can lead to oxidative stress and is often associated with pain and discomfort. By acting as an immunomodulator, ozone therapy can aid in the management of inflammatory conditions like asthma, arthritis, and Crohn’s disease. 

Reverse Brain Damage

Ozone therapy can help reverse brain damage caused by a stroke. After suffering a stroke, the affected area of the brain begins to lose its crucial oxygen supply. The area that has been damaged is known as the “penumbra.” In order to reverse this damage, you need to restore oxygen to the penumbra as quickly as possible. The damage can be reversed by supplying a mix of oxygen and ozone gases to hypoxic brain tissue. 

Lowered Risk of Heart Attacks

When you suffer from a heart attack, your chances of suffering another heart attack increase significantly; ozone therapy can help prevent a second heart attack and the development of an infraction or arrhythmia. Studies have shown that the sooner ozone therapy is given after a heart attack and the longer it is given, the better the results. 

Joint Mobility

An injury can greatly reduce joint mobility. Forget an injury, getting older can reduce joint mobility. Recent research has found that ozone therapy is making strides in successfully managing and treating musculoskeletal disorders. This is good news for those who have rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, and other joint-related conditions. 

Pain Relief

Back pain can be debilitating. Believe it or not, back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit doctors and take time off from work. Some researchers believe ozone therapy can be beneficial for lower back pain. This is most likely due to the gas’s anti-inflammatory properties. 


We expose ourselves to toxins and heavy metals every time we step outside of our home. These toxins affect how our body functions and can damage our health. One of the easiest ways to combat these toxins is by practicing a nutritious diet. You can also detox through regular ozone treatments. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

Dr. Leo at Today’s Integrative Health is ready to help if you’re looking into ozone therapy. We can do a complete health assessment to see if ozone therapy is right for you. Call our office today to schedule your first appointment. We can’t wait to work with you! 

Picture of Dr. L. J. Leo

Dr. L. J. Leo

Dr. Leo began his education at the Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia, where he earned his doctorate in osteopathy. He completed his internal medicine residency through the U.S. Army and had the honor of serving multiple overseas tours before retirement.

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