Although it isn’t “new” news, it’s still jarring: Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States, claiming more than 600,000 lives annually. And the most disturbing fact about cardiac disease? It’s completely preventable in many of those cases.
Lifestyle factors play a significant role in the development and progression of heart disease. Factors such as obesity, smoking, heavy drinking, uncontrolled blood pressure, diabetes, lack of regular physical exercise, and poor diet contribute to coronary artery disease by narrowing the arteries and disrupting the flow of blood to the heart. Without proper blood flow, the heart muscle weakens, which can lead to many chronic — and deadly — health issues, including heart attack.
Make 2019 the year of your heart
With the new year comes new opportunities to improve your health. Why not take this time to make cardiac care your New Year’s resolution? Here are 10 great reasons to improve your cardiac health for a better life — today, tomorrow, and long into the future.
1. Get the jump on heart disease
Change your diet, consume less alcohol, and kick your smoking habit. Exercise regularly. Not only will you feel better, but if you need to drop a few pounds, simple changes in lifestyle will help.
2. It’s never too late to improve cardiac care
Even if you’ve already experienced a cardiac event, you can make changes that’ll improve your health overall, including the health of your heart. If you take medication, work with your doctor to monitor your results. Dr. L.J. Leo at Today’s Integrative Health is your partner on the road to overcoming heart disease.
3. Cardiac health is contagious
When you take steps to improve your own cardiac health, those around you benefit as well. Set an example for your kids or grandkids. Don’t be a couch potato — get out and move! Don’t hit the fast-food drive-thru, make a salad instead. Once you practice healthy habits, others around you likely will follow suit.
4. There are often no warnings for a cardiac event
Far too many people die, or have their lives seriously compromised, without warning. One day they’re feeling great, then seemingly out of nowhere, they suffer a heart attack. Dr. Leo can help you get a handle on your health and make changes for the better before anything occurs. Know your numbers, such as blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterols, and take the necessary steps to bring them within a healthy range.
5. You’ll feel better
Just knowing that you’re doing all you can to prevent heart disease, or to reverse your cardiac health issues, makes you feel fantastic. You’re in control of your health. Take the wheel and get your health back on track.
6. You’ll save money
Your heart health affects every part of your body. Chronic conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes require medical intervention and monitoring. You’ll likely need to take medications regularly, which can add up. Kicking the cigarette habit and eating healthy, home-prepared foods also will save you plenty.
7. Improving your cardiac care is easy and natural
It doesn’t involve a steady diet of tasteless food or hours on the treadmill every day. Integrating heart-healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and whole grains into your diet will soon become part of your lifestyle. You’ll begin to crave an apple over a cupcake or a walk in the park over TV.
8. It’s fun!
Improving your cardiac care can be a good time. Learning how to cook healthy options, going for a bike ride, taking a hike, and practicing mindfulness can make you happy and excited about life.
9. You won’t just live longer, you’ll live better
There are far too many seniors who are unable to live the life they want because they failed to get control of their health when they could. Take steps to improve your heart health now and you can avoid the ravages of some of the chronic conditions associated with old age.
10. It’s your life
The biggest reason to make cardiac care your priority in 2019 is that life is short enough as it is. Why not do all you can to put more life in your years? When you’re healthy you live a more vibrant, independent, and fulfilled life.
Your partner in keeping your New Year’s resolution
Many chronic diseases are avoidable, and any damage often can be reversed, or halted. At Today’s Integrative Health in Rockville, Maryland, the doctors and support staff practice a patient-centered approach to health care. Dr. Leo listens to your needs and responds with compassion and understanding. You owe it to your heart to contact Today’s Integrative Health and schedule an appointment.