Drinking alcohol is a very personal decision, and many people find that it helps them relax, enjoy time with friends, or just enjoy how it makes them feel. Consuming alcohol, however, can become a problem if you’re drinking too much. Some people can drink alcohol in moderation, while others have difficulty controlling their alcohol consumption.
Heavy drinking is categorized as having five or more alcoholic drinks on at least one day within a 30-day period. Some people can become addicted to alcohol, and it’s important to be aware of its adverse effects on the body. Giving up drinking has many benefits, and giving up alcohol for a month or more may produce good results. What are some of the benefits of alcohol abstinence?
Improved Immune System Health
Your immune system is responsible for protecting the body against viruses, germs, and other illnesses. Alcohol suppresses the immune system causing it to slow the production of bacteria-fighting white blood cells and make germ-fighting a lesser priority. Because heavy drinkers are more likely to develop numerous forms of cancer and pneumonia, you may reduce your risk for these diseases when you stop drinking. Consuming too much alcohol inhibits bone production, putting people at higher for developing bone fractures or osteoporosis. It also can cause muscles to cramp, weaken, or atrophy.
A Healthier Circulatory System
The circulatory system is also impacted by drinking, as heavy drinkers are much more likely to develop heart problems than those who don’t consume alcohol. Research indicates that the risk is higher for females than males. Some heart problems that can occur include heart attack or stroke, developing an irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure, and even poisoning of the heart muscle cells. When you stop drinking, your circulatory system can begin to function better, and there’s a decrease in the risk of developing heart issues.
Improved Digestive System
Severe damage can occur quickly in the digestive system by drinking alcohol. When you stop drinking, the intestines are better able to absorb nutrients and control bacteria. As you stop drinking alcohol, your risk of heartburn or acid reflux, gum disease and tooth decay, internal bleeding, hemorrhoids, and gastritis or stomach ulcers decreases dramatically.
When people stop drinking alcohol, they often improve their diet as well, which can have a positive impact on the digestive system. Alcohol can kill beneficial bacteria in the gut. When you stop drinking, you may want to consider supplementing with a probiotic to increase the good bacteria in your system.
Better Nervous System Health
Alcohol impacts the nervous system, often changing a person’s behavior, altering their speaking by causing slurred speech and causing impaired coordination. By not overindulging in drinking, a person’s impulse control improves, their ability to make memories improves, and there’s a decreased chance of the brain’s frontal lobes shrinking.
The nervous system impacts every other system in the body, so once its function improves, it’s not uncommon to see all body systems performing better. Your nervous system can become overloaded due to toxins, stress, and environmental factors, so giving up drinking is one way to help improve nervous system function.
Improve Your Health
When you decrease drinking alcohol, your health improves from that minute forward. If you’ve been struggling with health issues and don’t know where to turn, working with a doctor like Dr. Leo can help get you on the right track. He’s helped many patients over the years.
The office is located at 6321 Executive Blvd, Rockville, MD 20852, in the Executive office park. We can help you work on improving your health! Dr. L.J. Leo and Dr. Julie Rosenberg, provide comprehensive medical and chiropractic care to residents in Rockville and Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, D.C.
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